Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)
Booth number: 5469-17
About us
The BSI is the federal cyber security agency and the chief architect of secure digitalisation in Germany. Our objective is the secure use of information and communication technology in government, business and society. We provide support for information security, allowing it to be understood as a prerequisite for digitisation and implemented independently. We want to ensure that security aspects are considered right from the development of IT systems and applications: information security and digitisation are inseparable.Address
Godesberger Allee 87
53175 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 999582-0
Products & Services
The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) is strengthening its international cooperation with science and industry in the USA.
As a pilot project to initiate these new international activities, BSI will work with the German Cyber Agency (CA) to conduct a comprehensive study of the startup ecosystem in the San Francisco Bay Area to enable specific technology assessments in the area of cybersecurity. The project results will serve the German Federal Government as a reliable basis for decision-making on future research funding in Germany and Europe. BSI, as the central coordinator for research projects in the field of cybersecurity, is actively supporting the German Federal Government with its technology foresight to implement the Cybersecurity Agenda and to strengthen cybersecurity research in Europe.