itWatch GmbH
Booth number: 5469-2
About us
itWatch produces patented IT security. The focus is on protection against data theft, technical chains of trust from the keyboard to the data, their organizational embedding through legally binding dialogues, end device security, data lock with data laundering as well as mobile security and encryption.
itWatch Enterprise Security Suite (itWESS): itWESS combines 14 modules for device, port, content, media, application, risk, print control and solutions for encryption, endpoint security, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), technical enforcement of data privacy and technical support GRC by the use of security awareness in real time, e.g. content-filtered and encrypted USB control incl. protection against BadUSB. Automation is part of itWatch security solutions to achieve costsaving value adds at operation. Cost-efficiency is the driving factor for the development. itWatch products do not only cover endpoint security aspects but also server and infrastructure to implement topics like DLP, compliance and data privacy actively and cost efficiently with real ROI.
Aschauerstr. 30
81549 Munich
Phone: +49 89 62030100
Contact person:
Arnd Engeln
Products & Services
itWatch Enterprise Security Suite (itWESS): itWESS combines 14 modules for device, port, content, media, application, risk, print control and solutions for encryption, endpoint security, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), technical enforcement of data privacy and technical support GRC by the use of security awareness in real time., E.g. content-fi ltered and encrypted USB control incl. protection against BadUSB. Automation is part of itWatch security solutions to achieve cost saving value adds at operation. Cost-effi ciency is the driving factor for the development. itWatch products do not only cover endpoint security aspects but also server and infrastructure to implement topics like DLP, compliance and data privacy actively and cost efficiently with real ROI.